Paintings by Nom Kinnnear King
Paintings by Nom Kinnear King

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Nom, Originally from the Norfolk countryside, studied Fine Art at Norwich School of Art and […]

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Surreal portals to imaginary new worlds by Nate Hill
Surreal portals to imaginary new worlds by Nate Hill

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It By manipulating photographs with a mix of different digital editing skills, photographer Nate Hill contorts stunning landscapes into surreal swirls, revealing imaginary portals to alternate worlds. At the center of each of his circling scenes […]

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Abecedario p.nitas*
Abecedario p.nitas*

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Abecedary based in the p.nitas imaginary and differents aplications. p.nitas* is felling from a feminist perspective and dedicated to women. p.nitas*’ imagery, charged with irony and innocence, screams in pain, pleasure, rage and happiness. Above all, this imagery is the expression of an intimate vision […]

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Imaginative spirit by Jung-Yeo Min
Imaginative spirit by Jung-Yeo Min

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It The mind is not contained to the cranium. It’s province is of the infinite imaginative spirit. Jung-Yeo Min: website Synaptic Stimuli: website

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