Stunning 600-megapixel view of the Manhattan Skyline
Stunning 600-megapixel view of the Manhattan Skyline

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It A New York Dream An Exceptionally High Resolution Fine Art Photo ARTIST: Dan Piech CREATED: December 31, 2016 Midtown Manhattan, New York City RESOLUTION: 602 megapixels Photographer, engineer, and entrepreneur Dan Piech has long been […]

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Buildings Made of Sky, urban iconography by Peter Wegner
Buildings Made of Sky, urban iconography by Peter Wegner

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Peter Wegner sees the urban landscape quite differently. Instead of seeing buildings, he sees the voids sandwiched between them. Wegner saw a unique opportunity to create a theme with this perception, and he has been shooting the spaces between buildings to create a […]

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