Paintings by Cathie Bleck

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It “When I was a girl I fell in love with darkness. The tools I work with-pen, ink, knives and clay-became natural choices for someone drawn […]

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Transcending the Eye, project by Raquel França Batista
Transcending the Eye, project by Raquel França Batista

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It “This is the second photoshoot for the project “Transcending the Eye”, featuring the brand “Miraculina”, which talks about the creative process emboding Synesthesia as a technique.” Model: Giovanna Bin Make up Artist: Laila Boy Ferrer Photographer: Caio Sitnoveter Assistant: Gustavo Henrique de Barros Rocco “I’m an ascending […]

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