CubeMetrik by Ingrid Hörl

“To get the symbolism of my paintings to express, I have created the term “CubeMetrik”.
The concept of cube (“cube”) I have chosen, as this meant in the Mesolithic, the symbol of an ordered world. An ordered world in which I too am longing, yearning for an ordered world is probably everyone again. Furthermore, the symbolism is intended to encourage the different sides of the cube with the viewer to look at his world from different angles and look through the orderly and geometrically (“metric”) targeted symbols and icons of the various part of image content, the more lives and overcome. The many little icons to show the variety of ways that will offer itself to the individual but also suggest that the perspective could be the one to consider sometimes from “Big to Small” or even from “Small to Big”. “CubeMetrik” is to give hope, hope that is emphasized by strong colors, mixing techniques and sparkling stones. As I sit before a blank canvas and the image grows in my mind, then let the viewer to think how the picture has emerged. Perhaps he also sees “thoughtlessness” in itself “loses” in the various symbols and is guided by the forms of “CubeMetrik” to solutions.”

Ingrid Hörl: website