Adrian Borges Ribeiro was born in Belém, northern Brazil. Finished his artistic studies at the Federal Arts University of Salvador-BA (Brazil). In 1991 concluded his academic period and returned to Amazon, where a number of situations stimulates him to take a personal and existential journey, which he does not hesitate to call it “ecumenical” in the heart of the Amazon jungle: life of the metropolis often won’t give much positive models to the existential needs of a man. Ribeiro belongs to a Latin-American art movement which offers a contemporary reinterpretation of the graphic universe belonged to the ancient people who dominated the center and south of the American continent: in his works are distinguished the different combinations of shapes in a random, the result of a unique aesthetic sense, which will harmonize and blend graphics coexistence of pre-Columbian peoples. For the graphics that find references in war tools, hunting tools, signs in the rock and biological beings represented in hypothetical three-dimensional shape can be found also alongside evidence of the contemporary urban metropolises, the signs of today’s chaotic society: these findings are derived from personal history, lived in adolescence as a Graffiti-Writer in the streets of Belém, capital of that brazilian state. The artist offers a surprising and emotional trip into his works, from ancient and an atavistic instinct, strongly affect the imagination of those who observe. Fascinated and deeply marked by the movement of Street-Art, the artist also makes use of techniques to characterize the “graffitism” to give life to contemporary elaborates. The works, peculiarly material, represent and synthesize a new artistic language, through which the Ribeiro translates his vision of the cosmos (macro and micro) with a speech in harmonic shapes, simple, poor in the use of the material which he handles with discipline and technique. In addition to dealing with contemporary art Adriano Ribeiro is a photographer, videomaker and offers his contribution with artistic expression of paintings and sculptures to various NGOs working in the Amazon for the protection of nature and support for local indigenous and non-indigenous people.
Adrian Borges Ribeiro: website