I’ll be your mirror, oil paintings by Tamar Kasparian

I'll be your mirror, oil paintings by Tamar Kasparian

I’LL BE YOUR MIRROR oil paintings
Se refléter dans le dessin… s’observer n’etre plus tout a fait la meme…
Et toujours le lien entre soi, la racine, la branche…
Se poser sur une branche, prendre racine

Creating, not to know who one is, but may be what or who one is becoming.
Tamar’s drawings are an experimental description of a mutation. What or who are we during this endless process? Growing into an organic structure,whose roots disperse while having a great hold on the earth, a living being, serene like a tree, with a sharp contour but whose inner nature seethes, an empty space marked with the stamp of an absent one.
Strange feeling of aspiration and of dizziness born from this emptiness, and strange feeling opposite and also vigorous of fullness, abundance, intensity, when the background of the drawing fills the existing space and transforms it in a matrix of energies. C.L.

Tamar Kasparian: website