Clay Opera - Ceramics handmade by Marta Turowska
Clay Opera – Ceramics handmade by Marta Turowska

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Warsaw, Poland-based artist Marta Turowska creates these whimsical bowls and plates that feature our favorite animals like cats, hedgehogs and whales. Her works are all made completely by hand on a potter’s wheel and then […]

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Stellar Cave series by Julien Salaud
Stellar Cave series by Julien Salaud

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Celestial animals come to life in this luminescent, sculptural installation by French artist Julien Salaud. Part of his Stellar Cave series, each expansive work of art is made of cotton thread that is coated in […]

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