Image-face(model), drawing by GyoBeom AN

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It “I was born in 1973, and my parents were farmer. I went Art- Collage to be an artist, and now, I live for father, husband, and worker. I feel all the emotions such as pleasure, […]

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Paintings by Moran Haynal
Paintings by Moran Haynal

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It “I was born in Budapest, spent part of my childhood in Berlin and eventually studied in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1990 emigrated to Israel and […]

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Paintings by Anna Silivonchik
Paintings by Anna Silivonchik

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Anna Silivonchik is well-known for her stark individuality among young Belarusan painters. She is an artist who works in her own unique artistic style, creating a separate, special world filled with her own system of […]

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Hand-painted typography portraits by Cris Wicks
Hand-painted typography portraits by Cris Wicks

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Hand-painted typography portraits painted over a collage of paper memorabilia. “For this style of portraiture I was thinking about how after we die our physical bodies leave but our words remain in the minds of those we interacted with. I was trying to […]

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Tim Hoekstra, temporary art
Tim Hoekstra, temporary art

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It “I have always been fascinated by drawings, street art and other creative people. Since my childhood, I have been drawing and painting. I love the idea of temporary art […]

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The Road of Love, paintings by Roman Konovalov
The Road of Love, paintings by Roman Konovalov

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Paintings series “The Road of Love” (size 100 x 60 cm) 1. Yellow. Wisdom. Spring. Dawn. Start of reasonable solutions. 2. Red. Messenger. Summer. Day. Communication symbol. Exchange of information. Development. The expansion of knowledge. 3. Purple. Virgo. Autumn. Evening. Women’s essence. 4. Blue. Apostle. Winter. Night. […]

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Derek Gores recycles magazines portraits
Derek Gores recycles magazines portraits

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It In his collage portraits, Derek Gores recycles magazines, labels, data, and assorted found analog and digital materials to create the works on canvas. “I like my pictures to barely come together with teasing […]

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Colorful cubist tattoos inked by Mike Boyd
Colorful cubist tattoos inked by Mike Boyd

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It London-based tattoo artist Mike Boyd is a dedicated traveler, viewing the act as a necessary component to developing his style of cubist-focused tattoos. His bright and angular work features Picasso-like faces and segmented bodies, impactful […]

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Portraits by Marcello Castellani
Portraits by Marcello Castellani

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Marcello Castellani, is an artist in training who explores different techniques in search of his own line. He paints in his head when he is not doing so with a pencil, acrylics or illustrating, and he hopes that everything […]

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