Portraits of wild animals by Kevin Biskaborn
Portraits of wild animals by Kevin Biskaborn

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Awesome portraits of animals by Kevin Biskaborn, a gifted photographer, designer, and content creator from Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Kevin focuses mainly on animals, birds, underwater, and wildlife photography. Kevin Biskaborn: website / instagram Via: photogrist.com

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Amazing dresses crafted by Sylvie Facon
Amazing dresses crafted by Sylvie Facon

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It French creator Sylvie Facon sews dresses with such beautiful fabrics and attention to detail, they would steal any catwalk. Facon even crafted one […]

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Claudia Mileji campaign, photography by Attila Udvardi
Claudia Mileji campaign, photography by Attila Udvardi

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Photographer: Attila Udvardi Designer: Claudia Mileji Styling: Dóra Mészáros Make up Artist: Kunkuma Katalin Drucker Hair Styling: Birgi Czero Model: Kitty @ Visage Jewellery: Soie Essentielle & Czok Ildi designer jewellery Special Thanks: Györgyi Magai, Eszter Farkas, Ildi Czok Attila Udvardi: website / […]

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Magical illustrations by Little Oil
Magical illustrations by Little Oil

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Little Oil Art from Taiwan Taipei is an illustrator, designer, and director. Little Oil: tumblr / instagram Via: boredpanda.com

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Junkfood Queen, photography by TOMAAS
Junkfood Queen, photography by TOMAAS

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Stylist: Carla Engler Represented By Bryan Bantry Reps Make up: Gregg Brockington, Represented by Judy Casey, Inc. Hair Stylist: Seiji Uehara Hair Stylist Assistant: Sofiya Pylo Post Production: Elena […]

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Once Upon A Dream, photography by Jvdas Berra
Once Upon A Dream, photography by Jvdas Berra

Pin It “Lips, red as blood. Hair, dark as night. Bring me your heart, my dear dear…” Photo: Jvdas Berra Styling & Art Direction: Federico Laboreau, Maximilian Pizzi @ Flatelier Models: Alexandra Agro, Robin Laird, Amanda Shae, Taylor Rae @ Paragon Model Management, Nahuel Mendoza @ GH Management M&H: Angel Moncada, Gio Lozano, Benito Felix, […]

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Urban Cage, project by Chang Chieh
Urban Cage, project by Chang Chieh

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It A project with Industrial Designer YI-TING CHEN Designer Yi-Ting Chen created a design object to put iPhone and iPad’s devices at home: the Urban Cage. With the shape of a bird’s cage, the designer has created different models on the hoof […]

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