Mimi Choi, Optical illusions with makeup
Mimi Choi, Optical illusions with makeup

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Mimi Choi is a Vancouver-based professional makeup artist. She creates intricate, surreal makeup looks inspired by other people’s art, surreal paintings from artists such as […]

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Ida Frosk: The Art Toast Project
Ida Frosk: The Art Toast Project

Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Culinary artist Ida Frosk depicts the works of cultural icons on pieces of toast. She eats her creations after photographing them and said she “particulary enjoyed” the taste of Monet. Ida Frosk: website Via: designobserver.com

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