Jewel, beauty and splash by D-image studio

Jewel, beauty and splash by D-image studio

D-image studio, based in Pescara (Italy), came into existence in 2001 as a consequence of the collaboration of two photographers, Alessio Federico and Barbara Pichiecchio.
In her past life, Ba didn’t succeed in becoming a dancer, but when her dad Massimo gave her his reflex camera – a Christmas present – she discovered the joy of taking pictures of dancers instead, and started to work as a photographer of performing arts. This is why Ba likes dynamic images, using fans as powerful as tornados, and always forces models to take impossible positions.
In his past life, Ale was a graphic designer. That’s why he doesn’t consider art directors as enemies and he even thinks that it’s possible to be a creative photographer while helping to get an image that perfectly matches their own idea and makes it even stronger. Since he became Photoshop-addicted at an early age, now he manages each step of the image-making process in D-image studio. At the beginning of his career as a photographer, he fell in love with architecture and still life, for this reason he cares a lot about composition and lighting.

D-image studio: Alessio Federico and Barbara Pichiecchio