Rabarama, alias Paola Epifani, was born in Rome in 1969. The daughter of an artist, from her early childhood she showed an inborn talent for sculpture. She started her artistic education at the Arts High School in Treviso, followed by the Venice Academy of Fine Arts where she graduated with top marks in 1991. She currently lives and works in Padova.
Rabarama, sculptor, works on the representation of the body. Her personages express the core point of human condition and its contradictions: the paradoxical relations between the human being, its corporality and the deep essence of meditation.
Her critics and most demanding collectors, thanks to the steady flow of official recognition and awards she has received on the national and international art scene, consider Rabarama an all-round artist.
Her production is quite eclectic and varied and embraces terracotta sculptures, painted bronze, pieces in marble and glass, oil paintings, resin inclusions, artistic gold jewels, recent rubber monotypes and graphic work.
Rabarama (Paola Epifani): website