“As we get older we tend to create this box that everything is supposed to fit neatly into, all of our ideas and goals in life are according to some sort of plan.
As a child there is no box. It is just endless freedom to explore any and every possible avenue of creativity and adventure. Although children look up to us for guidance and instruction, it is equally as important that we take time off from our busy lives to just sit and listen to them, no matter how strange their ideas may seem.
Through collaborating with Eve, she is teaching me how to paint all over again and I treasure this bonding experience more than words can express. To follow our journey, find out more about our process and the way Eve is involved with every piece’s creation, head over to “The Mischievous Mommy” blog.
Whether you feel you are an artist or far from it, please do not ever forget the beauty of two minds combining in order for one creation to come into existence. The end product is never the ultimate goal but rather the journey in getting there, allow yourself to try it one day.
Find someone younger or older and commit to exploring and creating an absolutely unique painting, song, drawing (you name it) by way of collaborating. There are endless ways to do so and you will discover so much about yourself, about your partner and not to mention the bond you create will last forever!”
Ruth Oosterman: website
Via: mymodernmet.com