Concept. The Oslo school of Architecture and Design.
Winter 2009. Nominated for three awards at the AHO Works
What is Aurora?
Aurora is a new high speed train operator in Norway.
Meeting the needs of businesstravellers, and being tailored for the norwegian weather conditions, it is the most effective type of domestic travel.
Reaching all major cities of Norway in less than three hours Aurora makes airtravel seem like a waste of time. Time is relative, and there is no other mean of transportation that gives you control of your own time as Aurora does.
Whether you want to work or relax, Aurora provides you with everything you need during your travels.
Forget check-in ques, restricted luggage, crammed highways, restrictions on electronic devices and crammed spaces. Forget everything you know about travelling, and rediscover it again – with Aurora.
(The project is a combined branding and industrial design project, focusing on how industrial design and branding can support and complement one another.
The result is a concept showing how a future high speed train operator in Norway could look and be experienced.)
Co-designers: Hans A. Huseklepp
Høyhastighetstog i Norge
Henning Rekdal Nielsen: website